Continual Improvement
Posted by: Tony Wilkinson
3rd party registration bodies are still expecting continual improvement despite the continuing fallout from the Covid 19 pandemic.
Despite the best efforts of governments accross the world the economy has taken a massive hit and getting it moving again is proving incredibly difficult.
In a way its not surprising, a well oiled global economy has been put in mothballs for over a year and switching it on again was never going to be easy. people have not stood still, the world has moved on. This has created massive supply chain issues that will not be resolved over-night. Continual improvement is still possible but measured against the new now rather than yesterday. Reset and improve.
Is it reasonable to expect continual improvement in the current climate, when real world issues related to busness survival are so prevalent?
3rd party registration bodies are still expecting continual improvement despite the continuing fallout from the Covid 19 pandemic.
Despite the best efforts of governments accross the world the economy has taken a massive hit and getting it moving again is proving incredibly difficult. In a way its not surprising, a well oiled global economy has been put in mothballs for over a year and switching it on again was never going to be easy. people have not stood still, the world has moved on. This has created massive supply chain issues that will not be resolved over-night. Continual improvement is still possible but measured against the new now rather than yesterday. Reset and improve.
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